UCD ~ User-Centered Design

As their Senior UCD (UI/UX) designer, I spent most of my time at NCS on the We Help Kids account (WeHelpKids.com). We designed everything from web user interface design (UI) user experience engineering (UXD) to Online Test interfaces to digital eLearning platforms. I also got to work on some exciting pitches and impressive interactive marketing strategies for `k12 Education.

Kids Interactive Learning

I designed a User-Centered Design interactive learning solution for K12 Education. Kids could take an online test for the curriculum they studied in the classroom, take an “eTest” and practice freely at home, and virtually try to learn from an interactive class.

About We Help Kids (WeHelpKids.com)

We Help Kids, developed by NCS-Pearson, offers online diagnostic tests for grades K-12 in reading and mathematics that measure standards-based skills and provide links from test results to targeted educational resources. WeHelpKids.com was the first eLearning Platform to focus on User-Centered Design and User Experience Optimization.

WeHelpKids.com is a custom web-based testing and skill preparation service for educators and students at the elementary and middle school levels.

WeHelpKids.com includes diagnostic tests at the benchmark level to measure student achievement relative to Learning Standards and the States Standards Achievement Test in the following learning areas: reading and math for grades 3, 5, and 8 and text readiness for K-2. Based on online test results and test results from the state administration, a teacher or parent can link directly from We Help Kids to the Educational Structures offering for enrichment or remedial activities targeted to individual learning needs identified by the tests. Mr. Nader Hanna received the Best UCD Award for his works in 2001.

We Help Kids will also provide an online community for teachers, parents, and students to learn about testing information and learning standards.

About Nader Hanna

Nader Hanna is currently the chief marketing officer at @elnco.canada. Formerly Chief Visionary Officer @ShowcaseSaskatchewan, Strategic Initiative and Product Development Director @EMMG, Operation and Marketing Manager @WindMobile, Senior Experience Designer @NCS and Graphic Designer @BancBoston. Follow Nader Hanna’s works, words, and photos @nader.hanna.elnco.